// Email Validation Javascript // copyright 23rd March 2003, by Stephen Chapman, Felgall Pty Ltd // You have permission to copy and use this javascript provided that // the content of the script is not changed in any way. function validateEmail(addr,man,db) { if (addr == '' && man) { if (db) alert('email address is mandatory'); return false; } var invalidChars = '\/\\ ";:?!()[]\{\}^|'; for (i=0; i -1) { if (db) alert('email address contains invalid characters'); return false; } } for (i=0; i127) { if (db) alert("email address contains non ascii characters."); return false; } } var atPos = addr.indexOf('@',0); if (atPos == -1) { if (db) alert('email address must contain an @'); return false; } if (atPos == 0) { if (db) alert('email address must not start with @'); return false; } if (addr.indexOf('@', atPos + 1) > - 1) { if (db) alert('email address must contain only one @'); return false; } if (addr.indexOf('.', atPos) == -1) { if (db) alert('email address must contain a period in the domain name'); return false; } if (addr.indexOf('@.',0) != -1) { if (db) alert('period must not immediately follow @ in email address'); return false; } if (addr.indexOf('.@',0) != -1){ if (db) alert('period must not immediately precede @ in email address'); return false; } if (addr.indexOf('..',0) != -1) { if (db) alert('two periods must not be adjacent in email address'); return false; } //var suffix = addr.substring(addr.lastIndexOf('.')+1); //if (suffix.length != 2 && suffix != 'com' && suffix != 'net' && suffix != 'org' && suffix != 'edu' && suffix != 'int' && suffix != 'mil' && suffix != 'gov' & suffix != 'arpa' && suffix != 'biz' && suffix != 'aero' && suffix != 'name' && suffix != 'coop' && suffix != 'info' && suffix != 'pro' && suffix != 'museum') { // if (db) alert('invalid primary domain in email address'); // return false; //} return true; }